Brave New Europe is an unincorporated not-for-profit association. You can directly donate to us:
Bank: APS Limited, trading as Cashplus Bank
Account Name: Brave New Europe
Account Number: 03012257
Sort code: 08 -71-99
If you wish to donate in GBP with credit card or paypal click HERE
We have been supported by:
Small personal donations
2017: GLS Treuhand – 9,000 Euros
2018: GLS Treuhand – 10,000 Euros
2020: Lipman-Milliband Foundation – 2,000 GBP (for the Gig Economy Project)
2021: Stiftung Menschenwürde und Arbeitswelt – 2,000 Euros (for the Gig Economy Project)
The Andrew Wainwright Reform Trust – 8,000 GBP (for the Gig Economy Project)