Chris Dillow – Stumbling and Mumbling: Capitalism’s bad incentives October 8, 2017 Mathew D. Rose Finance 0 Capitalism contains many dysfuntional incentives – ones that constrain innovation and encourage rent-seeking. Read here Chris DillowLink
EU politics Grace Blakeley: The dark side of the UK’s jobs boom February 3, 2019 Mathew D. Rose EU politics, Finance, Gig Economy, Inequality, National Politics, Regulation 0 A financialised economy and weak trade unions mean record employment has done little to increase workers’ pay. Read here
Media Tom Mills: Britain – Even centrists are losing faith in the BBC April 6, 2018 Mathew D. Rose Media, Media Influence 0 This is problem with what used to called “balanced journalism”: serve elite interests and maintain public trust. As the elite moves towards the neo-liberal creed of winner take all, this practice has been jettisoned. Mill has […]
Corruption Prem Sikka: Rampant corporate power is destroying our democracy July 14, 2023 Mathew D. Rose Corruption, Lobbying, Political Parties, Regulatory Capture 0 People have a choice: we can have rampant corporate power or democracy, but not both. Read HERE
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