Herman Michiel: The European Left and Brexit March 7, 2018 Mathew D. Rose EU politics, EU-Institutions, National Politics 0 Hermann Michiel asks why the so-called leftist parties in the EU parliament are so close to the leading neo-liberals in their vision of Brexit. Read here Herman MichielLink
EU politics Thomas Piketty: Can the left unite on Europe? September 20, 2020 Mathew D. Rose EU politics, National Politics 0 The problem is that the EU simply is not capable of solving the problems of the union. Read here
Climate Crisis Grace Blakeley: Whatever the Brexit outcome, the UK desperately needs a Green New Deal February 15, 2019 Mathew D. Rose Climate Crisis, Economics, EU politics, Finance, National Politics, Solutions, Sustainability 0 Co-ordinated state action is necessary to address climate change without harming the economy or inflicting the costs on the poorest. Read here
Austerity Keep Talking Greece – Varoufakis reloaded: ECB profits should be used for a European Poverty Fund February 17, 2019 Mathew D. Rose Austerity, Economics, EU politics, EU-Institutions, Finance, National Politics, Neo-Liberalism in the EU 0 The enfant terrible of euro-economics and former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis reloaded his gun and shot: Profits from the European Central Bank should be used for a European Poverty Fund. Read here
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