Positive Money: UK consumer credit approaches 2008 peak April 4, 2018 Mathew D. Rose Economics, Finance, Inequality 0 We have been here before. To keep the economy too much money has been leant to those who cannot repay their debts. It does not take much imagination to guess what follows. Read here LinkPositive Money
EU politics Chris Dillow – Stumbling and Mumbling: Corbyn’s success: centrists’ failure September 19, 2017 Mathew D. Rose EU politics, Finance, Uncategorized 0 Dillow cites the creation of a proletarianized professional cadre as a political game changer in the UK Read here
Economics Reuters: Lira plunges more than 7% as Turkey edges towards free market June 7, 2023 Ben Wray Economics, Financial Institutions, National Politics 0 Erdogan seems to be responding to his election victory by retreating towards more ‘orthodox’ macroeconomic policies. Read the article HERE.
Economics Cédric Durand: Crisis in slow motion? March 29, 2023 Ben Wray Economics, Finance, Financial Institutions 0 Durand writes in Sidecar about the meaning of the latest crisis of global finance. Read the article HERE.
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