14 June at 7pm with Heiner Flassbeck (in German only)
“Situation der Eurokrise”
Franz-Mehring-Platz 1, 10243 Berlin (“neues deutschland-Haus“), Seminarraum 1
We are guests in the rooms of the German poltitical magazine OXI.
Admission: 2 Euros
For further information go here
“Economics beyond the Swabian hausfrau” is the title of a series of lectures on heterodox economics planned for this year and next in Berlin. We shall be featuring some of the most prominent European heterodox economists. The first is on 14 June with Heiner Flassbeck, followed on 15 September with Ann Pettifor. These are introductory lectures, especially for non-economists. The first lecture will be in German only. After that they will be in English, but with a simultaneous translation in German.
This has been made possible thanks to a cooperation BRAVE NEW EUROPE has entered into with a foundation called Helle Panke, attached to the Links (Left) party in Berlin, yet undogmatic. They promote political education. The Netzwerk für plurale Ökonomik (Berlins and Potsdams various heterodox economics student groups) has now joined us in organising these lectures.
In addtion to the lectures, our guests will be holding seminars with members of the Netzwerk für plurale Ökonomik.
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