Colin Hines: Bail out society and the planet, not just the banks
If the trillions spent on QE so far had gone towards the energy transition, we would be on our way to a zero-carbon world Colin Hines is a member of the Green New Deal Group. […]
If the trillions spent on QE so far had gone towards the energy transition, we would be on our way to a zero-carbon world Colin Hines is a member of the Green New Deal Group. […]
The Coronavirus is offering us an hiatus and opportunity to reset our economies and priorities. Colin Hines is a Convenor of the Green New Deal group One thing rarely mentioned in the wall to wall […]
Funding the £100 billion a year needed for the Green New Deal from UK ISA and pension savers Colin Hines is a Convenor Green New Deal group Richard Murphy is Professor of Practice in International […]
We are making progress. Whereas the Green New Deal up to now has been discussed in principle, Colin Hines starts working on details. Although he is focussed on his own nation, Britain, this will help […]
Quantitative easing – not to save bankers and property barons – but for the insecure majority of people, creating jobs, raising incomes, and making their lives more bearable, should be part of a pan-European Green […]
A typical Old World/New World tale. The Green New Deal was developed in Britain 10 years ago by renowned economists and experts. But much of Britain had fallen in love with austerity and Londoners with […]
Colin Hines is a staunch supporter of the United Kingdom remaining in the European Union, but he also argues that the EU has to be reformed to stop the increasing disaffection and the rise of […]
Our mistake! Recently we commented that Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party were the only ones with a Plan B for Brexit. We forgot Colin Hines. He has neither retreated to a vague moral high […]
A different Remain. Colin Hines is one of the few trying to promote remain, while correcting the failed policies that resulted in Brexit. The question is if the Tories and the EU are seeking an […]
“What we’re suggesting, in essence, is that all mainstream parties should commit to something along the lines of ‘no new, large-scale, permanent immigration’. The word ‘new’ makes it clear that curbing future levels of immigration […]
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