Mathew D. Rose – Annalena “Butcher” Baerbock: The Return of Nazi Hate Culture to Germany

Germany’s political elite has not only lost its moral compass, but is increasingly returning to its fascist tradition and Nazi past

Mathew D. Rose is an Investigative Journalist specialised in Organised Political Crime in Germany and an editor of BRAVE NEW EUROPE

Picture sourced from Twitter – The text reads: “How could this person become the foreign minister of our nation?”

On 10 October the German parliament, the Bundestag, discussed the first anniversary of the Hamas insurgency against Israel. In the course of the event Germany’s foreign minister Annalena “Butcher” Baerbock held a highly revealing speech that shocked and outraged much of the world, even many in Western nations.

That’s why we have made it clear time and again that self-defence means, of course, not only attacking terrorists, but also destroying them. This’s why I have made it so clear that when Hamas terrorists hide behind people, behind schools, then we end up in very difficult waters. But we’re not shying away from this. This is why I made it clear at the United Nations that civilian sites could lose their protected status if terrorists abuse this status. That’s what Germany stands for – and that’s what we mean when we refer to Israel’s security.”

In her speech Butcher Baerbock outrightly dismissed the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. This is especially revolting and poignant as this convention was principally motivated by the war crimes perpetrated by Germany during World War Two. Today we are witnessing the results of Baerbock’s policy – the German government is the second largest provider of weapons to Israel after the US – in the systematic war crimes being committed by Israel not only in Gaza, but also in Lebanon and maybe soon in Iran if Russia and China have not sufficiently come to its aid.

With regard to the legal aspects of Baerbock’s statement, Francesca Albanese, specialist for international law and human rights as well as being United Nations Special Rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories, explained: “I am deeply concerned by the stance Germany is taking on Israel/Palestine, and its dangerous implications and consequences. Minister Baerbock should be invited to provide the evidence of what she claims, and then explain how “civilian objects losing protected status” justify the massacres Israel is committing in Gaza and elsewhere.”

Kenneth Roth, former executive director of Human Rights Watch points out that “German Foreign Minister Baerbock tells only half the story. Yes, civilian sites can lose protected status if used for military purposes, but they still cannot be attacked if the harm to civilians will be disproportionate. Israel ignores that part.”

But it is Trita Parsi, co-founder and Executive Vice president of the prestigious American Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, who identifies the political element of Baerbock’s speech: “German ‘Feminist’ Foreign Minister Baerbock unapologetically justifies Israeli war crimes and renders international law meaningless. In 2003, Germany proudly stood against Bush’s illegal invasion of Iraq. Those days are gone. Seems like we are back to the Germany of the 1930s… “

We have the film of the last moments of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar. No human shields. Not in a tunnel with Israeli hostages around him, not in a UN compound, not even in a house with civilians in it. A soldier in his uniform with his weapon facing his death with courage.

Baerbock has also been one of the most prominent German supporters of the war in Ukraine and the hundreads of thousands of deaths it has caused, which includes stoking Germany’s traditional fanatical Russophobia. This apparently has tradition in the family Baerbock. Annalena heroised her apparently much loved grandfather who had fought on the eastern front during the Second World War, where German atrocities looked very much like the Israeli executed horrors in Gaza and Lebanon today. At least until 2024 when it became public that Baerbock’s grandfather was not an innocuous conscript, but a dedicated Nazi and highly decorated Wehrmacht officer (Oberst=Colonel). He was an army engineer on the Eastern Front and according to his military files read Hitler’s Mein Kampf repeatedly. His superiors wrote that Baerbock was ‘a convinced national socialist’ (Nazi). Baerbock herself claims not to have known any of these details nor to have noticed her grandfather’s fanatical Nazi sentiments.

As Parsi implies, there is an irony in Baerbock’s policies. When named as Germany’s foreign minister, she declared that she would be guided by “Feminist Foreign Policy”. So now we know: “Feminist Foreign Policy” is genocidal. She had defined this policy as “…for all people to enjoy the same rights, freedoms and opportunities, regardless of their gender, regardless of what religion they belong to, regardless of who their parents are, how they look or who they love.“ What none of us suspected then was that she was apparently using the definition of “people” as applied by Zionists, where Arabs are animals, not people, and therefore do not enjoy these rights.

Can one accuse Baerbock of not understanding international law? She completed a one-year master’s course in public international law at the London School of Economics (LSE) with “Distinction”. But who knows? Baerbock has form in plagiarism, something that was exposed with her book “Now. How we renew our country”  (Jetzt. Wie wir unser Land erneuern) published in 2021, in which she presented her world views. Many of them however were the views of others. Baerbock had simply left out the quotation marks and sources, something she had to admit. We do not know what her academic work at LSE looked like.

Germany knows it is violating international law by supporting Israel’s genocide and war crimes. Recently it came to light that Germany “officially” has hardly sent military aid to Israel since March. The date is no coincidence. In April the International Court of Justice had rejected a request by Nicaragua for an emergency order directing Germany to halt arms sales to Israel which in the eyes of the court is a “plausibly” genocidal war against Palestinians in Gaza. Although the ICJ found that there was “at present” an absence of legal conditions for issuing such an order, it did not grant Germany’s request for an outright dismissal and will hear arguments of the Nicaraguan case, so the case is ongoing.

This explains a recent political kerfuffle in Germany, where the opposition claimed that the government has abandoned Israel and not delivered military hardware since this ICJ decision. That is hardly likely. As we discovered after the US Congress had blocked funding for military equipment to Ukraine over months, the Biden administration had simply continued deliveries using stocks from its own armed forces, which were purportedly replenished with the funds granted to Ukraine once congress caved in. The German government is renowned for it lies and prevarications, so they probably found a way to conceal the arms deliveries, such as sending them via Ukraine, which is a close ally of Israel and receives billions of euros in arms from Germany. No one would have noticed.

This “official” reduction of aid to Israel was ended this month after Israel provided Germany with a document in which they assure that equiptment supplied by Germany is only used within the framework of international humanitarian law (which implies that Isreal can continue breaking these laws, just not with German armaments).

The ICJ would probably discredit such an assurance as Israel has shown absolutely no respect for international law nor the truth. But that was not the purpose of this document. German ministers, especially Butcher Baerbock and the Minister for Economic Affairs, Robert Habeck, like Baerbock from the Green party, are mainly responsible for the sale of arms to Israel. Chancellor Olaf Scholz is surely to some degree responsible. They are not oblivious to the fact that many are calling for them to be charged by the International Criminal Court for supporting Israel’s genocide. The ICC however would never accept the case if it felt it had been investigated by the German justice system.

Germany has experience in this. German prosecutors and judges are notorious for preventing that Germans are tried by courts in other nations. German extradition laws for example do not permit anyone who has been tried in a German court to be extradited on the same charges. The list of such cases is long. My favourite was one of many following the Greek financial crisis.

During the financial crisis German mainstream media portrayed the Greeks as lazy and corrupt, none of them asked who was paying the bribes. The answer was, mainly German companies. The then Greek government decided to go after the responsible German managers and initiated extradition proceedings. They never happened as the Germany’s justice system got there first. Here is one example:

In Germany the Ferrostaal chairman at that time, who was briefed concerning Ferrostaal’s prolific corruption campaign in Greece, got off with a light fine for not maintaining his obligatory supervision of the company. Fortunately a German doctor attested that due to a benign brain tumour, the manager must not have comprehended the firm’s corrupt activities, despite apparently being capable of conducting day-to-day business.Two further Ferrostal managers who were not so fortunate to have benign brain tumours, received merely suspended sentences and minor fines. It is worth mentioning that Ferrostaal received a stiff financial penalty. The firm’s fines however did not go to Greece, but to the German government.

So there is little doubt that the public prosecutor would drop the charges against German ministers on hand of the document from Israel. The case would probably not even make it to a judge. By the way, contrary to most democracies, German public prosecutors are not independent and are required to follow instructions given them by the government. German justice. It is worth mentioning that Baerbock made her genocidal speech after this document had been obtained from Israel.

Many Germans, maybe even a majority, do not support their government’s genocide in Gaza. Butcher Baerbock is the poster girl for the recrudescent culture of Nazi hate among the nation’s metropolitan managerial elite, driving the propaganda for Israel’s genocide and warcrimes, as well as for the war in Ukraine. This same social strata were fanatical supporters of the Nazi fanaticism in the Third Reich. Their relationship to democracy was defined by Baerbock herself as she explained in an interview with regard to the war in Ukraine, which is unpopular in Germany: “I put Ukraine first, regardless of what my German voters think or how difficult their lives may be.”

This fanaticism has been exported to the EU with its German President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, who has her own Monikers: according to Clare Daly “Frau Genocide”, or as Norman Finkelstein calls her “The Nazi Princess”. As during the Third Reich, Germany is dragging continental Europe with it into its moral and political Götterdämmerung. And Europe is willingly following. But so did much of Europe then too.

Due to the Israeli war crimes in Gaza we have increased our coverage from five to six days a week. We do not have the funds to do this, but felt that it was the only right thing to do. So if you have not already donated for this year, please do so now. To donate please go HERE.

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