Chris Dillow: Free speech after Mill
Is free speech a remnant of the past? Chris Dillow may be confusing free speech with debate and discussion, but there are a number of interesting thoughts in this article, thus well worth reading. Read […]
Is free speech a remnant of the past? Chris Dillow may be confusing free speech with debate and discussion, but there are a number of interesting thoughts in this article, thus well worth reading. Read […]
It was Malcolm X who famously stated that if you’re not careful the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing. Watch here […]
We shall have to get used to this. As the political parties enforcing neo-liberal policies increasingly lose their credibility, corporate media will try to save the day, resorting to disinformation. This is one of the […]
Paid journalism. This problem is increasing. As media’s sole concern is profit, the product becomes irrelevant. Thus the demise of corporate media and their calls for state support Read here
A big assumption we make when talking about the internet and social media is that it is a power for good and enhances democracy. But what if this assumption is out of date and instead […]
Why? Why have we been told for decades that people are fed up with state intervention and state run companies? It is not only the bubble politicians live in. Wren-Lewis fails to mention the integral […]
Although neo-liberalsim ahs espoused meritocracy and social mobility, in reality these hardly exist. A new society and economy need to be built. Paul Mason is a writer and broadcaster on economics and social justice. Cross-posted […]
Do neo-liberal structures have a stranglehold on democracy? In the case of Greece we found out that it does. How can this be broken, asks Chris Dillow. Read here
Climate Change is not manmade That is the message of professional spin doctors and fake experts paid by the fossil fuel industry. While almost all experts and governments are of a different opinion, commercial media […]
Why do people still respect politicians? Or even feel sorry for them even though they work against the public interest and are thoroughly corrupt? Chris Dillow provides some answers. Read here
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